Each soul has experienced liberation both in the soul world and in physical world; the former being liberation from matter and the latter the liberation from the soul world into matter. The degree of liberation is relative to each soul's part.
Some souls take a maximum number of births (84) per cycle and consequently spend very little time in the soul world. They have accumulated such spiritual power and such a high level of perfection through their efforts in the Confluence Age that they play bigger roles and such a high level of perfection. Other souls take the minimum of one birth per cycle and spend the rest of the 5000 year drama in the soul world. However many births a soul takes, it has the experience of both liberation and liberation in life relative to the role that it has to play. Even a soul who takes only one birth per cycle has an experience of both liberation and bondage.
Most religions, unsurprisingly, lay greater emphasis on the liberation from the flesh in the company of God, and not on liberation here in this world. The reason for this is that the majority of souls began their parts after the end of the Silver Age and so complete and unlimited liberation in life is not within their experience.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Liberation And Liberation in Life
Thursday, March 13, 2008
How To Calm Down
Be determined and decide to do nothing for a few minutes.
Find a quiet spot and sit in a comfortable position.
Close your eyes and begin to consciously relax every muscle of your body.
Start with your toes and work your way up to your forehead.
Breathe slowly. Then try to listen to the silence in your mind.
You will notice how your thoughts begin to slow down.
If thoughts interrupt, just watch them come and go.
Always return to your original self and you will begin to experience peace and calm within yourself...
Continue for 10 minutes and practice doing this once or twice daily.
After a while you will notice how easily you can cope with external situations with your power of silence.
Taken from a book entitled "Self-Empowerment" by Bridget Menezes
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
The State of Perfection
History is a many-pronged fork pointing to as many different concepts about the perfect state of the self as it does about God.
In classical Hinduism, there is the idea of perfection through the merging of the soul with God. The soul is supposed to lose its individual identity and leave the cycle of birth and rebirth. The aim is to get away from this world of "nothing but suffering" and spend the rest of eternity "merged in the light of God."
There is also a belief that the soul transmigrates through 8,400,000 species and then ultimately arrives at the Godhead as a "perfected being." Some of these perfect beings are believed to voluntarily take rebirth here to help those less fortunate than themselves. There are so many messengers, prophets, saints and sages, supposedly here to the salvation of humanity; yet their teachings are at variance. Each one has a different thing to say and a different way of showing it.
In the Judaeo-Christian philosophy, the idea of perfection has been reduced to the goal of one life and a thereafter of either the bliss of "heaven" or the damnation of "hell". These alternatives are meant to inspire hope or fear as the basis of action. Faith takes the lead. Without an understanding of reincarnation it is impossible to explain, for example, the purpose of a baby who has a life of one day and thereafter eternity in "heaven" or "hell". This contravenes the law of karma. How could such an insignificant cause give such an extended effect? In recent Eastern and Western traditions, the possibility of perfection has hardly been mentioned. The majority of beliefs assert that the perfect state only comes after death and that all efforts should be directed towards a good "after life".
In contrast to the idea of perfection in "another region", there is the idea of a perfect life in a perfect society in this physical world. The ancient Egyptians believed in such a perfect paradise-known as the "Osirian Fields"-where men and women lived as equals. There was harmony and an inexhaustible abundance of fruit and grains; complete prosperity. In order to go there after death, on the day of judgement, each one's heart was weighed against a feather. If the heart was heavier than a feather, the soul was sent to a fiery hell. The legends of all the religions pertaining to "paradise on earth" are strikingly similar to this Egyptian idea.